Marie Dancourt-Cavanagh

With a strong strategic focus, a playful and learning mindset, combined with a warmhearted energy and a presence that calls for the active engagement of the people she works with, Marie supports her clients – executives, teams, and leaders – in unleashing their leadership potential and making a difference where it matters. 

Marie is an experienced transformational systemic leadership coach, facilitator and coaching supervisor, accredited by the international Coaching Organisation EMCC as Senior Practitioner. She has a background in international affairs in the public sector at operational, strategic and senior management levels. With almost 25 years of business experience and 10 years as the founder of OpeningWays coaching and consulting group, she has built extensive experience over a range of industry and economic sectors that help her bring an out-of-the-box perspective to those she serves.

She is passionate about supporting her clients towards meaningful and sustainable change, using a combination of systemic, collective intelligence and strengths-based tools, all supported by the foundation of Transformational Presence. She is very inspired by her coach and mentor Alan Seale (USA), the creator and founder of Transformational Presence and aspires to bring this approach to those she serves, in particularly in the French-speaking world.

Among Marie’s specialties are leadership development and change management, high-performing teams, cross-cultural communication, resilience and stress management, talent and strengths development, career and life transitions, and women in leadership.

She is deeply committed to humanistic values and building a more respectful, fair, inclusive and sustainable world. 

OpeninWays is proudly partnering with the Center for Transformational Presence to deliver its signature programmes in English and in French.

We offer a full Transformational Presence toolkit and skill set—simple, practical, yet incredibly powerful tools and approaches that expand your capacities for:

  • being present with the realities of the moment
  • cutting to the essence of what is really happening
  • engaging the intuitive and rational minds in full partnership
  • quickly assessing a situation and finding a next step
  • navigating complexity
  • strengthening resilience
  • moving forward with effective and compassionate action